Made Essentials

The Challenge

As a leading ecomm furniture and homeware brand, had always set out to reach a new generation of consumers. 

Consumer research began to show that the brand was not speaking to the target value driven, Millennial audience as effectively as it would like.

There was an opportunity to re-state the value driven design ethos with a dedicated collection across categories that met everyday needs at the most accessible prices.

The Solution

Made Essentials, a discreet collection, launched as a sub-brand, of products at’s entry price-point.

The focus was on broad appeal, modern design that served as a backdrop for layering individual style with products that focussed on everyday needs in a range of functional pieces across all categories.

The Outcome

Made Essentials served as a driver of revenue, accounting for up to 10% of sales mix and achieving best selling status for many of the collection’s key pieces.

Many of the pieces remain bestsellers in the collection today.